Brazilian Butt Lift

Indications For Use
Fat removal
Inch loss
Weight loss
Butt lift, reduction or enhancement
Firming and toning
Cellulite management
This natural treatment is designed to lift, tighten, and enhance the appearance of the buttocks. The treatment includes contouring of the buttocks, upper thighs and waist using the Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation, Biomesosculpture and Medilift. This treatment is a non-invasive, non-surgical and painless procedure that is very effective at achieving long lasting, fast results that target multiple body areas in the one session. Generally, between 5-10 sessions are desirable to see inch and weight loss. The duration of each session is 2 hours and is conducted once per week.
Introductory Trial Session $199
Single Session $240
Package of 5 $1150 (Save $50)
Package of 10 $2200 (Save $200)